Open the current Markdown buffer in Marked. Supports Marked 1 and 2.
Note: Since Marked is available only for OS X, this plugin will not be loaded unless you are on OS X.
By default, this plugin is configured to use Marked 2. If you are still using
Marked version 1, set the following in your ~/.vimrc
let g:marked_app = "Marked"
If you need to enable the plugin for custom Vim FileTypes:
let g:marked_filetypes = ["markdown", "mkd", "ghmarkdown", "vimwiki"]
This plugin adds the following commands to Markdown buffers:
:MarkedOpen[!] Open the current Markdown buffer in Marked. Call with
a bang to prevent Marked from stealing focus from Vim.
Documents opened in Marked are tracked and closed
automatically when you quit Vim.
:MarkedQuit Close the current Markdown buffer in Marked. Quits
Marked if there are no other documents open.
:MarkedToggle[!] If the current Markdown buffer is already open in
Marked, calls :MarkedQuit. If not, calls
Same as Vim itself, see :help license
Tags: AppleScript, Git, Markdown, Vim Plugin